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Ericsson and the Federal University of Ceará celebrate 20 years of partnership
Published at: November 11, 2020. Category:News
On November 12th, from 10 am to 11 am, Ericsson will host the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) for a live conversation in its series of [...]
Prof. Charles Casimiro, from DETI, is nominated for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors
Published at: October 22, 2019. Category:Unclassified
Prof. Charles Casimiro Cavalcante, of the Teleinformatics Engineering Department (DETI) of the Federal University of Ceará, was nominated [...]
Professor from DETI-UFC publishes article in “Science” in co-authorship with Physics Nobel Prize winner
Published at: June 17, 2019. Category:Unclassified
Professor Hilma Vasconcelos, of the Teleinformatics Engineering Department (DETI) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and who works [...]
New Communication Channels of the Telecommunications Engineering Course
Published at: March 26, 2019. Category:News
The Telecommunications Engineering Course of the Federal University of Ceará announces its new communication channels for a better [...]
2o. Mobile Communications Workshop
Published at: March 26, 2019. Category:News
On April 2, 2019, the Wireless Telecommunications Research Group (GTEL) promotes its second Mobile Communications Workshop with the theme [...]
The Telecommunications Engineering course is acknowledged with maximum grade
Published at: August 16, 2018. Category:News
Course received the final concept 5 in the INEP evaluation The Telecommunications Engineering course of the Federal University of Ceará [...]